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fat reduction patients

For many people who work hard to build their dream body, stubborn pockets of fat and patches of cellulite can keep them from achieving their aesthetic goals. With new advances in medical treatments and technology, nonsurgical body contour options now exist for those who would like to safely and efficiently sculpt their ideal physique.

If you are dissatisfied with your physical appearance due to stubborn pockets of excess fat or unsightly cellulite, then come on into AestheticA Swansea today to experience one of our nonsurgical fat reducing and cellulite eliminating treatments. We offer a variety of treatment options, including Kybella fat reduction injections, Vanquish ME contactless body contouring and Cellutone noninvasive cellulite elimination.

Fat Reduction Before & After Gallery

Eliminate Submental Fullness with Kybella

Kybella is an injectable treatment that targets and breaks down fat located in the submental region below the chin. Submental fullness, often unflatteringly referred to as a double chin, can develop as the result of weight fluctuations, aging or simply genetics. No matter how healthy an individual may be, some people are just predisposed to storing fat in the submental region.

If you are frustrated by submental fullness and diet and exercise have been unsuccessful toward slimming your neckline, then you may be a candidate for Kybella treatments. Kybella is formulated with deoxycholic acid that can break down and destroy the membranes of fat cells, rendering them incapable of storing fat.

During the procedure, one of our expert technicians will administer Kybella with a series of strategic injections below the chin. After the treatment, the body flushes out the dead cells, eliminating them for good. Most patients need an average of two to four Kybella treatments spaced one month apart each to experience optimal results.

Side effects from Kybella treatments include swelling, bruising, mild pain, numbness and redness. Your neck may appear larger and swollen for the first week, but the results will begin to become noticeable after a few weeks of recovery.

Noninvasive Body Contouring with Vanquish ME

The Vanquish ME device by BTL Aesthetics provides noninvasive body contouring for patients who would like to safely eliminate fat without resorting to liposuction. Vanquish ME utilizes radiofrequency (RF) energy to gently warm fat tissues, causing fat cells to die off but leaving surrounding tissue unharmed.

Treatments last about 30 to 45 minutes and are completely painless. Common treatment areas include the abdomen, back and love handles. Most patients experience optimal results with a series of four treatments spaced one week apart each. Because Vanquish ME treatments are gentle and do not require any skin contact, side effects and downtime are nonexistent. Following treatment, you may notice a lingering warm sensation in the treated areas, but you can return to work and resume strenuous activities immediately after your appointment.

Results will take about two to three months to develop fully as the body works to eliminate and flush out the dead fat cells. Once the fat cells are gone, you can enjoy your slimmer contours for years to come. Vanquish ME does not make you immune from gaining new fat in the treated areas, however, so make sure you are prepared to maintain a stable body weight through healthy and diet exercise for sustained results.

Target Unsightly Cellulite with Cellutone

Cellulite has notoriously been an unsightly nuisance that men and women everywhere struggle to eliminate. Because cellulite is the combination of several factors, treating dimpled skin around the hips, buttocks and thighs has historically been a difficult task.

The Cellutone device by BTL Aesthetics is a new and exciting treatment option for patients wishing to safely eliminate cellulite and be proud of the way they look. Cellutone works using targeted vibrations that disrupt cellulite and increase blood flow in the targeted area. The procedure is painless and safe, with no downtime necessary.

At the start of the Cellutone procedure, gel is applied to the targeted area. One of our expert technicians then applies gentle pressure to the cellulite with the Cellutone handpiece to improve the skin’s texture. Each treatment area requires about 10 to 15 minutes, so the length of the appointment will vary based on the number of areas addressed.

Most patients need four to six Cellutone treatments to experience optimal results, which can be spaced out over the course of one month. Side effects are mild and may include itchiness, bruising and skin redness. The treatment is quick and does not require downtime, making it perfect for a lunch break appointment. Follow-up appointments may be needed for sustained results, and the treatment can be reapplied as necessary for smooth, cellulite-free skin.

AestheticA Swansea

If excess fat and patches of cellulite have kept you from feeling confident in your own skin, then schedule an appointment at AestheticA Swansea in Bristol County to learn more about our nonsurgical treatment options. We will work with you one-on-one to help you determine the right treatment method that will finally allow you to achieve your aesthetic goals. Call us today at 508-689-4488 to book your free consultation.

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